christain fiction Inspirational blog Story

One Last Pop Episode 3

Josh couldn’t call in sick since he had a query to respond to, no excuse came to mind so he went to the office an hour early.

Right there in his office preparing to respond to the query, he slept off again!

Cuddling the new system that was just installed by the IT department.

Quickly, he was carried from the office to the clinic by his friend and few staffs, who met him sprawled on the floor already.

At exactly 6pm, he woke up on the hospital bed full of despair.

This time, it was just his friend with a worried expression and a sack letter issued after he was brought to the clinic.

He had to explain himself to his friend, Mide who was obviously not believing his story and walked out angrily.

Thinking he was cooking up stories as usual and this time got burnt.

Josh left the hospital confused but made up his mind to meet his next door neighbor, Lucy (married with two kids) who prays all night.

Lucy, as everyone called her in the compound has been married for 5years to her always travelling husband as his business required.

Her children were in boarding school, so practically she stayed alone and a prayer woman she is, as her voice echoes through the flat every night.

Josh never had a conversation with her apart from casual greetings when their paths crossed in the morning while he leaves for work.

To be continued…..

Fb: Williams Green
IG: @greenishendium @greenationofficial

By Inkandkeypad


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