christain fiction Inspirational blog moral Story

One Last Pop Episode 2

His friend, Mide did all he could to wake him up but all was otiose.

It was like Josh ‘The Coal Bender’, as they used to call him, for his PhD in smoking and having his way with Ladies since their university days has just been burnt!

Josh did not wake up until exactly 6pm, his closing hours!

He was metagrabolised to see his state, system wrecked, gawking eyes from different angles and a query letter on his desk.

He wasn’t fired yet, since his dad’s friend is the manager but he had some explaining to do.

Mide closed the door beckoning on his friend to explain to him what went wrong after they parted yesterday evening

Josh had no answer other than sleepless night and migraine as a cover up.

He went home believing the chapter was over, only for the sleepless night to repeat itself.

Josh was awake till 6am as the alarm resounded in his room.

He was scared of the same episode repeating itself at the office as he still had one query to answer and couldn’t afford another.

To be continued

By Inkandkeypad


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