christain fiction Inspirational blog Story

Daddy Are you a Killer? (Letter to Dad)

Dear Daddy,

I do hope this letter meet you well. How are you fairing? since you traveled to Foyà to join your fellow soldiers five months back, I’ve never stopped missing you.

Thinking about every moment we’ve spent together, we hold so precious the days we get to see you, so proud of you Dada.

Have not seen anyone as fearless and loving as you’re, never seen you cry only when we lost grandma and you stared at her picture for so long at the dining room.

As I know you were both close just as I am to you.

We get to see you just 2months, 2weeks and 8days in a year according to my fifteen year old calculation.

We couldn’t travel around with you due to Mom’s work as the Midwife here in Kutà and Azili, my Ten year old brother whose health is unstable.

And you told me to watch over them both and to be fearless just as you.

I sincerely hope to see you soon, as it is already two weeks past your normal routine to come check on us.

I want to believe it’s due to the crisis ongoing across the country, which is also getting worse here in Kutà; protest, massacre and unrest day and night over a week now.

Dada, since the protest began, we’ve not been able to leave the house, I pray Uncle Rufus gets this letter across to you, for we’ve been harassed many times since we are known to be soldier’s children, we pray every night for our house not to be stormed into or worse, burnt.

Azili’s health is deteriorating, my friends deserted me, calling me names. They say, “A killer’s daughter is also a killer too!”.

But Dad, Are you a killer?

With Tears,


Thanks for Reading….

The Series #OneLastPop would continue shortly…..

Yours truly,

Green (The Village Boy).

By Inkandkeypad


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