christain fiction Inkandkeypad Story

Off Babel-Episode 8

They were blindfolded, sore scared. They were shivering like chickens in the wind
The atmosphere was strange, fiery and reeked with evil.

They couldn’t tell what went wrong as the last thing they could tell was that, they were chilling at the party on the Island after the music awards ceremony. Twenty of them, bound and blindfolded in the dark room.

They were more of a robot, as their souls were present without their bodies…

In awhile, it all got hotter…

Yes! it was the raging of the Dark Lord…

My blind Servants!!!

What have you done?

You think I made all this available at your finger tips – Fame, irresistible sounds, influence, lyrics and wealth just to release this kind of music?
I stole from the sleeping saints to give to you and yet you repay me this way?

Your songs are not soul damaging enough!

Take them out of my sight!

° °. °. °. °

Sunday could not hide his shock and in his befuddlement, he said… Is there… still… hope… for… me?

Hmmmn… let’s see, there are candlesticks before the throne ignited for you, if it’s not out, sure there’s hope!

Sunday heaves a sigh of relief, hoping for the best… but what does this candles represent, my life line?

Right question, it’s not your lifeline Sunday, for a man can only live on earth once, although there are some special cases but this candles represent those Saints on earth standing in gap, interceding on your behalf.

Sunday remembered Anu instantly.

Your thoughts are right, she’s one of them but let’s go check…

By Inkandkeypad


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